Friday, October 7, 2011

Barking! Puppy, Can You Stop! Rottweilers Have A Loud Call!

When you take a look at the history of the Rottweiler you can see that over the years he was used in many ways, like herding the cattle, as police dogs, as guard dogs, even as messengers. They used the Rottweiler in all these various roles because of its intelligence and alertness. For that reason he is also more sensitive to bark faster. They can bark because they are excited, or angry, or even when they are scared. Here is a summary of situations when Rottweilers might start barking:
Alarm Barking
Frustration Barking
Territorial Barking
Greeting Barking
Attention Seeking Barking
Injury or Illness Barking
Compulsive Barking
Well, as you can see, barking is an important part of your dog's personality. Therefore it's not possible to bannish your Rottweiler barking completely. They still have to express themselves occasionally, despite of what you do to prevent their behavior.
If your Rottweiler refuses to stop barking, you first have to ascertain if his behavior is justified. In most cases, it is disproportionate and can be dealt with. If you've determined that your Rottweiler's barking can and should be kept under control, ask yourself the following three questions:
When does he bark?
What is he barking at?
Is there a specific cause of your dog's barking?
When you conclude that your Rottweiler is barking because of territorial protection or that he's simply upset by something, do not simply shout at your dog to let him stop. Actually, negative reinforcement for territorial barking often leads to biting or other aggressive behavior. Your Rottweiler stops the barking but does not know what you are trying to tell him, so the territorial problem remains.
The best thing you can do is to create a situation in which your Rottweiler will not feel that territorial stimulus to protect itself. First you have to make clear that you are the leader of the pack. That way your Rottweiler will see that you are the one in control of defending that area. Further, you can easily decrease the dog's capability to see those apparent threats to its territory. Just simply draw your blinds to prevent he can see the mailman coming, add an opaque fence so they cannot see outside the yard, and be sure that the windows are not within the dog's reach at any time.

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